Self Love

A wise man said:
“Follow your heart and follow your passion”.

I asked the wise man:
“How can I follow my heart if it constantly leads me to heartbreak and disappointment?”

The wise man laughed and said :
“Dear one, your heart is not the one that leads you to heartbreak and disappointment.
It is the expectations you create from life, through the stories that go around that happiness is outside you and that true love is waiting for you somewhere outside.”

I asked the wise man:
“What about true love and success?”

The wise man laughed again and said :
“The world outside is desperately trying to convince you what success looks like, what love is and where to find it.
The only thing they leave out altogether is that happiness and love cannot be found outside.
This is why you are constantly looking and constantly getting disappointed.”

It all starts with self love.
Self love is to love yourself unconditionally.
Self-love makes you happy with yourself first and this forms a basis for self-respect, acceptance and balance.
A great power of awareness is Self-realization.
Self-realization is the state of knowing that you are “already” happy.
Through self-realization you will also start to attract things that can actually bring you into this state.
Remember that at the end of the line, you are the one who gives meaning to everything.
In this way you become more aware of the influence you have on your reality.
And this is how you slowly go back to the natural state you were born with.

You ARE Love! ❤❤

If you love yourself unconditionally, you can love someone else unconditionally too.
The trick they’ve played with people is to make people think that the responsibility for their happiness lies with someone other than themselves.

with love,

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